The Rise and Fall

The Rise and Fall is a trilogy which is my current work in progress. It consists of Nolyn (Summer 2021), Farilane (Summer 2022), and Esrahaddon (Summer 2023). As the name implies, it chronicles the rise (and subsequent fall) of the First Empire (whose formation was the subject of Legends of the First Empire). Currently, two books are written and I’m doing the research to begin writing the third by the end of summer 2020. Unlike many authors, I write the entire series before publishing the first book which allows me to weave plot threads and plant foundations in earlier works when I discover something while writing a later one. This process is not an easy way to go, but I find it provides the best story. I also employed this same process for Legends of the First Empire and The Riyria Revelations. The series takes place 800 years after the events of Legends and 1,000 years. From a timeline perspective, this series begins 800 years after Legends of the First Empire and it ends 1,000 years before the Riyria stories.